About Us
In the mid 1800’s, the first Rynda moved to America and started farming. Today, the 6th generation of Ryndas still farm that same land in Southern Minnesota. Growing up on the fruit of this land has taught us the value of farming as a family and cooperating with nature to give our animals a healthy, happy life. Our approach allows us to stay personally connected with our animals, land, and customers.
Our chickens, pigs, and dairy cows enjoy pasture spring through fall, staying snug in our warm barns in the winter months. We work to provide a variety of farm fresh foods to our customers and are always looking to share the fruits of new ventures. We hope that you will enjoy our products, get to know our family, and experience firsthand the richness of farm life at Ryndaville.

Our Farmers
Plus all the family members who make up our support system and keep the farm full of life:

Celia, Luci, Ana, Anthony and Maria Rynda
Andrew and Leah Rynda Family
Greg and Anna Rynda Family
Shirley Rynda